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MaxSoft   TestNG Test Results Analyzer
Interrupt Testing in Mobile Application using Twilio

Interrupt Testing is a branch of Mobile Application Testing that deals with how an application reacts to interruption and resumes to its previous state.

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MaxSoft Extent Reporter
UI Testing and Monitoring

After each release user interface will be checked by testers. It is a very headache process. With every realease testers will have to verify the user interfaces of an application manually. This is focusing on solving this problem by automating the process

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MaxSoft API Health Checker
Biometric scenario automation using ADB commands

In this day and age authentication in mobile applications are based on biometric authentication. In this article I will be explaing how to automate a biometric autentication.

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Test Automation Master
Gauge framework integration with appium

Gauge framework tests are in Markdown which makes writing and maintaining tests easier devoloped by ThoughWorks. In this article I will focus on getting started with the framework.

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MaxSoft WebDriver Manager
Expanding windows app automation to Webdriver automation

Automating windows based applications is an easy task. Most tools and laibraies availble in the market comes with a lot of drawbacks. In this I will focus on solving this problem using WinApp Driver.

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