Social Works

Computer Vision Program For Cancer Hospital Doctors On Going

Computer Vision Program For Cancer Hospital Doctors

Develop a program using computer vision to identify skin cancer.Skin cancer — the abnormal growth of skin cells — most often develops on skin exposed to the sun. But this common form of cancer can also occur on areas of your skin not ordinarily exposed to sunlight. There are three major types of skin cancer.

  • Collecting skin cancer data from kaggle and cancer hospital
  • Training model for skin cancer
  • Using on rural areas hospital clinic

Staring Date: Aug 2021

Volunteer | Plant Trees On Going

Volunteer To Plant Trees

Users can plant a tree and upload pictures and tag the tree with information Using the application users can plant a tree and track it through the application.

  • It will act like a Facebook for trees.
  • Users can plant a tree and upload pictures and tag the tree with information
  • Planters will get points based on the number of trees they plant and a number of years they look after them.
  • IA gamification features like Leaderboard, Badges, Medals. E.g. You can check the user with highest points. Higher you go, you will get badges and medals
  • Sharing your achievements on Facebook and other social media to make tree planting a new trend among youth.

Staring Date: May 2020

About the App:

Smart Agriculture On Going

Smart Agriculture - Computer Vision

Crops being cultivated in the same season can lead to exceess produce and prices plumetting putting farmers at a risk, pests can damage crops and farmers will rely on chemicals to mitigate them. The use of excess chemicals can lead to kidney problems in farming communities. According to reports 50+ people register as cancer patients daily.
The govenment spends billions of dollars to import fertilizers and chemicals to the country, and a lot more is spent on treating the farmers falling pery to the use of pesticides and excess fertilizer.
This can be avoided with the use of technology Suggessting crops that can be planted based on weather predictions Detect when crops need fertilizer or pesticides using image recognition Identify pests and suggest organic solutions to farmer using image recognition Allow farmers to plan their cultivations

  • To implement register farmers in this platform and plan their own farming if farmers are planning for more crops.
  • To implement crops suggestions according to upcoming weather
  • To implement upload paddy field image and identify the time period for spraying chemical fertilizer
  • To implement machine learning model for identifying paddy specific pests and after identifying provide organic suggestions for farmers.

Staring Date: June 2021

Smart Agriculture On Going

Night sky observation camp

Conducting Night sky observation camp for rural area school childern. The main objective is that introduce new things and attraction for Astronomical areas.

  • Night sky observation through telescopes.
  • Identifying constellations
  • Reading the star map
  • Star mapping
  • Space science lectures

Staring Date: Jan 2011